Cooking Class (Part 2)
Yep, I've finally done it-- I learned how to cook. Oh, I can make things like toast, eggs, spaghetti, frozen things, and toast. But a body does not live on toast alone, and we must supplement our diet with other things. Things like Chinese food. I'm not going to talk a lot about Chinese cooking class. I think the pictures will say it all.
This is a picture of my classmates, Matthew and Sarah. Sarah is also my roommate.

This is sweet and sour pork loin. Mmmmmm...

Kung Pao Chicken. Mine was so totally way better than the kind they make at Safeway.

This is called "Fish Fragrant Eggplant". It's not like fish, and it's not like eggplant. Of all the dishes I've tried here, this is one of the best.

This dish I liked the least. It's a salad of sorts, but the sauce was too heavily seasoned with the Sichuan peppercorn. The peppercorn has a very distinct flavor. It's well known for the mouth-numbing qualities it has.

Those of you who read my other blog know that I have a bad habit of taking pictures of people's rear ends. So as not to dissapoint you, here's the ladies who taught our class.

After each dish was completed, we all sat down to eat. We made five dishes in all, but by the third one, we were stuffed. This is us at the end of class.